Using FoxAI v1 Model

Billing Rules

One request returns two songs. Different models have different prices:

  • Using the foxai-v1 model, each request deducts 1 point and returns two songs.

Getting Started

Note: When using the foxai-v1 model, only English is supported, and instrumental music is not supported. For instrumental music, please use the suno model.

Base URL:

headers parameters:

  "api-key": "Your API Key",

Submitting a Music Generation Task

Path: /generate

Method: POST

Type: application/json

Example parameters:

  1. Generate music based on lyrics and tags
    "model": "foxai-v1",
    "tags": ["rock", "pop"],
    "lyrics" : """[Verse]
        Woke up today the sky was gray
        o sunshine no color play
        But in my heart there’s light to share
        I’ll dance in rain without a care

        [Verse 2]
        Puddles were made for us to splash
        No need to rush no need to dash
        Dancing free with lightning’s flash
        Embrace the moment make it last"""
  1. Generate music based on description
    "model": "foxai-v1",
    "description": "The last song ever sung on the planet earth"


Path: /query

Method: GET

Supports querying multiple IDs at once. For example:


Example response:

    "id": "9852c423-203e-4ae9-a616-cc5f8eda7fb3",
    "audio_url": "",
    "image_url": "",
    "video_url": "",
    "title": "Splashing in Stormy Serenades",
    "metadata": {
      "model": "foxai-v1",
      "lyrics": "[Verse]\n        Woke up today the sky was gray\n        o sunshine no color play\n        But in my heart there’s light to share\n        I’ll dance in rain without a care\n\n        [Verse 2]\n        Puddles were made for us to splash\n        No need to rush no need to dash\n        Dancing free with lightning’s flash\n        Embrace the moment make it last",
      "tags": [
      "duration": 30
    "status": "success",
    "duration": 30,
    "err_msg": null,
    "created_at": "2024-11-28T13:36:05.382514"